32GB SanDisk Sansa View
SanDisk shocked more than a few people when it announced its 16GB Sansa View MP3 player in early September. SanDisk aggressively priced the player at $199.99, while its 8GB sibling was priced at $149.99.
To put those prices in perspective, Apple charges $199 for its 8GB iPod nano while the 8GB iPod touch and 16GB iPod touch go for $299 and $399 respectively.
Despite the relatively low price tags, neither SanDisk player is currently available for purchase -- this more than a month after the first announcement. A quick jog over to PriceGrabber shows that no store currently has the players in stock.
It looks as though SanDisk has another model to add to the non-existent Sansa View family. dapreview.net stumbled across the product page for the Sansa View on SanDisk's Sansa Store and noted a small reference to a new 32GB model.
Under the specifications link for the Sansa View, there are listings for an 8GB, 16GB and 32GB model. The price range listed for the players shows $150 to $330 so the retail price for the unannounced 32GB Sansa View will likely be $329.99 -- a full $70 less than Apple's much-hyped 16GB iPod touch.
In addition to the reference to a 32GB model, the Sansa Store also notes that the 8GB and 16GB Sansa Views will bereleased on November 6 -- two months after they were first announced.
It's anyone's guess when SanDisk will formally announce the 32GB player, but CES 2008 would be an opportune time to announce the player with shipments coming sometime in Q1 2008.
8 Desember 2012 pukul 03.58
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